Hi Jim. Thank you for your help. I found very useful cum_snow and cum_list, but I decided to manage the list and dates in a different way. First of all I decided to deal with a unique data frame (called df_CFS) where I attached all the 10 data frames, and instead to build a list with the 10 different data frames I created a list with the 10 station codes (217, 2018, ...):
list_station_code <- list(217, 218, 219, ...) For managing dates, I created a vector of length 6. This is an example my_date <- c("1999-12-17-00-00", "2000-01-07-00-00", "2000-01-10-00-00", "2000-01-15-00-00", NA, NA) and then I created three functions based on the non NA elements of my_date: sum_prec1 <- function(x, init_day1_POSIX, fin_day1_POSIX) { sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day1_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day1_POSIX], na.rm=T) } sum_prec2 <- function(x, init_day1_POSIX, fin_day1_POSIX, init_day2_POSIX, fin_day2_POSIX) { print("sum_prec2") sum1 <- sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day1_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day1_POSIX], na.rm=T) sum2 <- sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day2_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day2_POSIX], na.rm=T) sum <- sum1 + sum2 } sum_prec3 <- function(x, init_day1_POSIX, fin_day1_POSIX, init_day2_POSIX, fin_day2_POSIX, init_day3_POSIX, fin_day3_POSIX) { print("sum_prec3") sum1 <- sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day1_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day1_POSIX], na.rm=T) sum2 <- sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day2_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day2_POSIX], na.rm=T) sum3 <- sum(df_CFS$Hn[df_CFS$Codice_sensore==x & df_CFS$data_POSIX >= init_day3_POSIX & df_CFS$data_POSIX <= fin_day3_POSIX], na.rm=T) sum <- sum1 + sum2 + sum3 } Finally my_date_POSIX <- as.POSIXct(my_date), format="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") my_date_POSIX <- my_dates[!is.na(my_date_POSIX)] if (length(my_date_POSIX)==2) my_output <- lapply(list_station_code, sum_prec1, my_date_POSIX[[1]], my_date_POSIX[[2]]) else if (length(my_date_POSIX)==4) my_output <- lapply(list_station_code, sum_prec2, my_date_POSIX[[1]], my_date_POSIX[[2]], my_date_POSIX[[3]], my_date_POSIX[[4]]) else if (length(my_dates)==6) my_output <- lapply(list_station_code, sum_prec3, my_date_POSIX[[1]], my_date_POSIX[[2]], my_date_POSIX[[3]], my_date_POSIX[[4]], my_date_POSIX[[5]], my_date_POSIX[[6]]) df_snow_totals <- data.frame("station_code" = c(217, 218, 219)) df_snow_totals$Cumulata <- as.vector(my_output) df_snow_totals$Cumulata <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(df_snow_totals$Cumulata))) It works. Thank you for your help Stefano (oo) --oOO--( )--OOo---------------- Stefano Sofia PhD Area Meteorologica e Area nivologica - Centro Funzionale Servizio Protezione Civile - Regione Marche Via del Colle Ameno 5 60126 Torrette di Ancona, Ancona Uff: 071 806 7743 E-mail: stefano.so...@regione.marche.it ---Oo---------oO---------------- ________________________________________ Da: Jim Lemon [drjimle...@gmail.com] Inviato: lunedì 13 agosto 2018 1.55 A: Stefano Sofia Cc: r-help@r-project.org Oggetto: Re: [R] cumulate of snow cumulates from daily values of different automatic stations for some time intervals Hi Stefano, This was such a stinker of a problem that I just had to crack it: # create some data the lazy man's way year_dates<-c(paste(2000,rep("01",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("02",29),formatC(1:29,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("03",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("04",30),formatC(1:30,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("05",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("06",30),formatC(1:30,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("07",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("08",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("09",30),formatC(1:30,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("10",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("11",30),formatC(1:30,width=2,flag=0),sep="-"), paste(2000,rep("12",31),formatC(1:31,width=2,flag=0),sep="-")) df1<-data.frame(station_code=rep(217,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df2<-data.frame(station_code=rep(218,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df3<-data.frame(station_code=rep(219,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df4<-data.frame(station_code=rep(220,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df5<-data.frame(station_code=rep(221,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df6<-data.frame(station_code=rep(222,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df7<-data.frame(station_code=rep(223,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df8<-data.frame(station_code=rep(224,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df9<-data.frame(station_code=rep(225,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) df10<-data.frame(station_code=rep(226,366), date_factor=year_dates,date_POSIX=year_dates, snow=c(sample(0:70,31),sample(0:50,29),sample(0:10,31,TRUE),rep(0,214), sample(0:20,30,TRUE),sample(0:60,31))) snow_list<-list(df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,df6,df7,df8,df9,df10) for(station in 1:10) snow_list[[station]]$doy<-1:length(snow_list[[station]]$date_POSIX) select_days<-c(1:12,83:88) cum_snow<-function(x,which_days) { return(list(x$station_code[1],sum(x$snow[which_days]))) } cum_list<-lapply(lapply(snow_list,cum_snow,select_days),unlist) snow_totals<-data.frame(station_code=NULL,snow_cumulate=NULL) for(station in 1:10) snow_totals<-rbind(snow_totals,cum_list[[station]]) names(snow_totals)<-c("station_code","snow_cumulate") Jim On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 2:48 AM, Stefano Sofia <stefano.so...@regione.marche.it> wrote: > Dear R-list users, > I have 10 data frames (called df1, df2, ... df10), where each of them > contains snow data from an automatic meteorological station (obviously each > station has a different station code). > Here is an example of df1: > > station_code date_factor date_POSIX snow > 217 1999-12-15 1999-12-15 0 > 217 1999-12-16 1999-12-16 0 > 217 1999-12-17 1999-12-17 38 > 217 1999-12-18 1999-12-18 31 > 217 1999-12-19 1999-12-19 21 > 217 1999-12-20 1999-12-20 12 > 217 1999-12-21 1999-12-21 42 > 217 1999-12-22 1999-12-22 61 > 217 1999-12-23 1999-12-23 57 > 217 1999-12-24 1999-12-24 48 > ... > > where >> sapply(df1, class) > $station_code > [1] "numeric" > > $date_factor > [1] "factor" > > $date_POSIX > [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" > > $snow > [1] "integer" > > Given a series of max three intervals (example with two intervals: from 1st > to 12th of January 2000 and from 23rd to 28th of March 2000), I need to > evaluate for each station the total snow cumulate for all the intervals > selected, and finally create a data frame where for each line there is the > station code and the snow cumulate. It should be like > > station_code total_snow_cumulate > 217 125 > 218 80 > ... > > Could somebody show me a direction for an efficient solution? > > Thank you for your attention and your help > Stefano > > > (oo) > --oOO--( )--OOo---------------- > Stefano Sofia PhD > Area Meteorologica e Area nivologica - Centro Funzionale > Servizio Protezione Civile - Regione Marche > Via del Colle Ameno 5 > 60126 Torrette di Ancona, Ancona > Uff: 071 806 7743 > E-mail: stefano.so...@regione.marche.it > ---Oo---------oO---------------- > > ________________________________ > > AVVISO IMPORTANTE: Questo messaggio di posta elettronica può contenere > informazioni confidenziali, pertanto è destinato solo a persone autorizzate > alla ricezione. I messaggi di posta elettronica per i client di Regione > Marche possono contenere informazioni confidenziali e con privilegi legali. > Se non si è il destinatario specificato, non leggere, copiare, inoltrare o > archiviare questo messaggio. 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