A further point to note is that with a log link, SEs for comparisons with any 
level where counts are all zero will be huge and meaningless.  This phenomenon
has the name Hauck-Donner effect, though more commonly so identified for
comparisons with categories with very low or very high estimated proportions
for binomial data.  For the poisson or quasipoisson family, use of the sqrt link
avoids this problem.

John Maindonald             email: 

On 28/07/2015, at 22:00, 
r-help-requ...@r-project.org<mailto:r-help-requ...@r-project.org> wrote:

From: Andrew Robinson 
Subject: Re: [R] R wont accept my zero count values in the GLM with 
quasi_poisson dsitribution
Date: 28 July 2015 18:59:51 NZST
To: Charlotte 
Cc: "R help (r-help@r-project.org<mailto:r-help@r-project.org>)" 

You have selected the binomial family in the call to glm.  You should
instead try something like

family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

I hope this helps


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Charlotte <


I have count values for abundance which follow a pattern of over-dispersal
with many zero values.  I have read a number of documents which suggest
I don't use data transforming methods but rather than I run the GLM with
quasi poisson distribution.  So I have written my script and R is telling
that Y should be more than 0.

Everything I read tells me to do it this way but I can't get R to agree.
Did I need to add something else to my script to get it to work and keep my
data untransformed? The script I wrote is as follows:

fit <- glm(abundance~Gender,data=teminfest,family=binomial())

then I get this error
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : y values must be 0 <= y <= 1

I don't use R a lot so I am having trouble figuring out what to do next.

I would appreciate some help

Many Thanks

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Andrew Robinson
Deputy Director, CEBRA, School of Biosciences
Reader & Associate Professor in Applied Statistics  Tel: (+61) 0403 138 955
School of Mathematics and Statistics                        Fax: +61-3-8344
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia
Email: a.robin...@ms.unimelb.edu.au<mailto:a.robin...@ms.unimelb.edu.au>
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