Dear John,

Thanks for your patience, got your idea


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 4:11 AM, John Fox <> wrote:
> Dear Xing,
> My point wasn't that you should add 1 df for a constant to each cubic but 
> that you need not subtract 1 for continuity. I'm sorry that I didn't make 
> that clear. When you use the natural spline in a regression, there's a 
> constant in the model as a separate term with 1 df, which in effect adjusts 
> the level of the regression curve (assuming one X for simplicity). If you add 
> a constant to each component cubic, the constant in the model is rendered 
> redundant, accounting for the extra df.
> I'm afraid that if this is still not sufficiently clear, I'll have to defer 
> to someone with greater powers of explanation.
> Best,
> John
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> John Fox
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 12:10 AM, Xing Zhao <> wrote:
>> Dear John
>> Sorry I use 3 degree of freedom for  cubic spline. After using 4, it
>> is still not 2. I may make some naive mistake, but I cannot figure
>> out. Where is the problem?
>> 4 (cubic on the right side of the *interior* knot 8)
>> + 4 (cubic on the left side of the *interior* knot 8)
>> - 1 (two curves must be continuous at the *interior* knot 8)
>> - 1 (two curves must have 1st order derivative continuous at the
>> *interior* knot 8)
>> - 1 (two curves must have 2nd order derivative continuous at the
>> *interior* knot 8)
>> - 1 (right side cubic curve must have 2nd order derivative = 0 at the
>> boundary knot 15 due to the linearity constraint)
>> - 1 (similar for the left)
>> = 3, not 2
>> Thanks
>> Xing
>>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:54 AM, John Fox <> wrote:
>>> Dear Xing,
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>>>>] On Behalf Of Xing Zhao
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:18 PM
>>>> To: John Fox
>>>> Cc:; Michael Friendly
>>>> Subject: Re: [R] The explanation of ns() with df =2
>>>> Dear Michael and Fox
>>>> Thanks for your elaboration. Combining your explanations would, to my
>>>> understanding, lead to the following  calculation of degree of
>>>> freedoms.
>>>> 3 (cubic on the right side of the *interior* knot 8)
>>>> + 3 (cubic on the left side of the *interior* knot 8)
>>>> - 1 (two curves must be continuous at the *interior* knot 8)
>>> You shouldn't subtract 1 for continuity since you haven't allowed a
>>> different level on each side of the knot (that is your initial counting of 3
>>> parameters for the cubic doesn't include a constant).
>>> Best,
>>> John
>>>> - 1 (two curves must have 1st order derivative continuous at the
>>>> *interior* knot 8)
>>>> - 1 (two curves must have 2nd order derivative continuous at the
>>>> *interior* knot 8)
>>>> - 1 (right side cubic curve must have 2nd order derivative = 0 at the
>>>> boundary knot 15 due to the linearity constraint)
>>>> - 1 (similar for the left)
>>>> = 1, not 2
>>>> Where is the problem?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Xing
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:17 AM, John Fox <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Xing Zhao,
>>>>> To elaborate slightly on Michael's comments, a natural cubic spline
>>>> with 2 df has one *interior* knot and two boundary knots (as is
>>>> apparent in the output you provided). The linearity constraint applies
>>>> beyond the boundary knots.
>>>>> I hope this helps,
>>>>> John
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>> John Fox, Professor
>>>>> McMaster University
>>>>> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
>>>>> On Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:18:40 -0400
>>>>> Michael Friendly <> wrote:
>>>>>> No, the curves on each side of the know are cubics, joined
>>>>>> so they are continuous.  Se the discussion in \S 17.2 in
>>>>>> Fox's Applied Regression Analysis.
>>>>>>> On 4/15/2014 4:14 AM, Xing Zhao wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear all
>>>>>>> I understand the definition of Natural Cubic Splines are those
>>>> with
>>>>>>> linear constraints on the end points. However, it is hard to think
>>>>>>> about how this can be implement when df=2. df=2 implies there is
>>>> just
>>>>>>> one knot, which, according the the definition, the curves on its
>>>> left
>>>>>>> and its right should be both be lines. This means the whole line
>>>>>>> should be a line. But when making some fits. the result still
>>>> looks
>>>>>>> like 2nd order polynomial.
>>>>>>> How to think about this problem?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Xing
>>>>>>> ns(1:15,df =2)
>>>>>>>               1           2
>>>>>>>  [1,] 0.0000000  0.00000000
>>>>>>>  [2,] 0.1084782 -0.07183290
>>>>>>>  [3,] 0.2135085 -0.13845171
>>>>>>>  [4,] 0.3116429 -0.19464237
>>>>>>>  [5,] 0.3994334 -0.23519080
>>>>>>>  [6,] 0.4734322 -0.25488292
>>>>>>>  [7,] 0.5301914 -0.24850464
>>>>>>>  [8,] 0.5662628 -0.21084190
>>>>>>>  [9,] 0.5793481 -0.13841863
>>>>>>> [10,] 0.5717456 -0.03471090
>>>>>>> [11,] 0.5469035  0.09506722
>>>>>>> [12,] 0.5082697  0.24570166
>>>>>>> [13,] 0.4592920  0.41197833
>>>>>>> [14,] 0.4034184  0.58868315
>>>>>>> [15,] 0.3440969  0.77060206
>>>>>>> attr(,"degree")
>>>>>>> [1] 3
>>>>>>> attr(,"knots")
>>>>>>> 50%
>>>>>>>   8
>>>>>>> attr(,"Boundary.knots")
>>>>>>> [1]  1 15
>>>>>>> attr(,"intercept")
>>>>>>> [1] FALSE
>>>>>>> attr(,"class")
>>>>>>> [1] "ns"     "basis"  "matrix"
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
>>>>>> Professor, Psychology Dept. & Chair, Quantitative Methods
>>>>>> York University      Voice: 416 736-2100 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
>>>>>> 4700 Keele Street    Web:
>>>>>> Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA
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