---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Waqas Shafqat <waqas1...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [R] about plantbreeding library
To: Marc Girondot <marc_...@yahoo.fr>

problem 1
stability analysis

> Data <- read.table(file="setwd.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> Data
   environments genotypes relication yield
1             1         1          1    34
2             1         1          2    35
3             1         1          3    33
4             1         2          1    43
5             1         2          2    43
6             1         2          3    44
7             1         3          1    56
8             1         3          2    57
9             1         3          3    54
10            2         1          1    32
11            2         1          2    33
12            2         1          3    31
13            2         2          1    44
14            2         2          2    46
15            2         2          3    48
16            2         3          1    58
17            2         3          2    57
18            2         3          3    59
19            3         1          1    44
20            3         1          2    45
21            3         1          3    47
22            3         2          1    55
23            3         2          2    56
24            3         2          3    57
25            3         3          1    60
26            3         3          2    61
27            3         3          3    63
> # stability analysis
> data(multienv)
Warning message:
In data(multienv) : data set ‘multienv’ not found
> out <- stability (dataframe = multienv , yvar = "yield", genotypes =
+ environments = "environments", replication = "replication")
Error: could not find function "stability"
> out
Error: object 'out' not found
above errors are found in stability analysis)

problem 2

> setwd("E:/")
> Data <- read.table(file="setwd.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> Data
   Days.Taken.to.Tesselling  X X.1 X.2 Days.Taken.to.Silking X.3 X.4 X.5
1                   Crosses R1  R2  R3                    R1  R2  R3  NA
2                     A 545 52  54  52                    58  59  58  NA
3                     OH 28 54  53  53                    59  60  59  NA
4                  OH 54-3A 56  56  55                    62  61  63  NA
5                      WF 9 54  52  53                    60  58  59  NA
6                      B 42 53  55  54                    61  62  61  NA
7                    N 48-1 55  53  52                    61  60  60  NA
8                    PB 7-1 55  56  56                    62  62  63  NA
9                     52 B4 56  54  56                    60  59  60  NA
10            A 545 x OH 28 53  52  52                    56  58  56  NA
11         A 545 x OH 54-3A 55  55  53                    60  59  61  NA
12             A 545 x WF 9 56  57  56                    62  63  63  NA
13             A 545 x B 42 53  52  53                    59  60  59  NA
14           A 545 x N 48-1 54  52  53                    61  60  60  NA
15           A 545 x PB 7-1 55  57  56                    63  62  62  NA
16            A 545 x 52 B4 58  56  56                    65  64  64  NA
17            OH 28 x A 545 53  53  52                    61  60  61  NA
18         OH 28 x OH 54-3A 50  52  52                    59  58  58  NA
19             OH 28 x WF 9 55  55  56                    64  63  63  NA
20             OH 28 x B 42 51  53  53                    57  58  57  NA
21           OH 28 x N 48-1 54  54  54                    60  60  59  NA
22           OH 28 x PB 7-1 58  57  57                    65  65  64  NA
23            OH 28 x 52 B4 53  52  53                    59  60  59  NA
24         OH 54-3A x A 545 54  56  56                    63  62  62  NA
25         OH 54-3A x OH 28 53  54  54                    59  60  60  NA
26          OH 54-3A x WF 9 51  52  52                    59  58  58  NA
27          OH 54-3A x B 42 52  52  54                    60  61  60  NA
28        OH 54-3A x N 48-1 55  55  56                    63  62  63  NA
29        OH 54-3A x PB 7-1 54  54  56                    62  62  63  NA
30         OH 54-3A x 52 B4 51  53  52                    57  58  57  NA
31             WF 9 x A 545 57  58  57                    65  64  64  NA
32             WF 9 x OH 28 54  53  53                    62  61  61  NA
33          WF 9 x OH 54-3A 56  56  56                    64  63  64  NA
34              WF 9 x B 42 56  54  54                    60  61  60  NA
35            WF 9 x N 48-1 53  51  51                    59  58  58  NA
36            WF 9 x PB 7-1 56  55  55                    62  61  62  NA
37             WF 9 x 52 B4 52  55  54                    60  59  59  NA
38             B 42 x A 545 53  53  53                    60  61  59  NA
39             B 42 x OH 28 57  56  57                    65  64  65  NA
40          B 42 x OH 54-3A 53  55  55                    62  61  62  NA
41              B 42 x WF 9 51  52  51                    58  59  58  NA
42            B 42 x N 48-1 53  56  53                    62  61  60  NA
43            B 42 x PB 7-1 55  55  56                    63  62  63  NA
44             B 42 x 52 B4 56  58  58                    64  63  63  NA
45           N 48-1 x A 545 52  51  51                    57  56  58  NA
46           N 48-1 x OH 28 56  55  55                    61  60  60  NA
47        N 48-1 x OH 54-3A 58  58  58                    66  65  66  NA
48            N 48-1 x WF 9 54  56  54                    59  60  60  NA
49            N 48-1 x B 42 56  56  58                    63  62  63  NA
50          N 48-1 x PB 7-1 52  53  52                    59  58  58  NA
51           N 48-1 x 52 B4 56  58  58                    64  63  63  NA
52           PB 7-1 x A 545 54  54  53                    61  62  61  NA
53           PB 7-1 x OH 28 51  51  51                    57  58  58  NA
54        PB 7-1 x OH 54-3A 55  57  57                    62  63  63  NA
55            PB 7-1 x WF 9 54  54  53                    59  60  59  NA
56            PB 7-1 x B 42 52  52  53                    59  58  59  NA
57          PB 7-1 x N 48-1 56  57  57                    63  63  64  NA
58           PB 7-1 x 52 B4 56  58  58                    65  64  64  NA
59            52 B4 x A 545 54  52  54                    61  60  60  NA
60            52 B4 x OH 28 51  53  53                    60  60  59  NA
61         52 B4 x OH 54-3A 55  56  57                    64  63  64  NA
62             52 B4 x WF 9 58  57  58                    65  66  65  NA
63             52 B4 x B 42 54  56  54                    63  62  63  NA
64           52 B4 x N 48-1 58  56  56                    63  64  64  NA
65           52 B4 x PB 7-1 53  54  53                    59  60  60  NA
66                                                                    NA
> data(fulldial)
Warning message:
In data(fulldial) : data set ‘fulldial’ not found
> out <-diallele1(dataframe = fulldial, male = "MALE", female = "FEMALE",
+ progeny = "TRT", replication = "REP", yvar = "YIELD" )
Error: could not find function "diallele1"
> print(out)
Error in print(out) : object 'out' not found
(above error found in diallel)

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Marc Girondot <marc_...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

> Le 16/08/13 19:48, Waqas Shafqat a écrit :
>> Sir i have successfully installed plant breeding library following the
>> procedure on the web..
>> but  problem is that plantbreeding library does not working
>> I have tried it in both version i.e RGui 3.0.0 and RGui 3.0.1.
>> please guide me
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> Give a reproducible example to show what you try to do and why it does not
> work.
> Sincerely
> Marc Girondot
> --
> ______________________________**____________________________
> Marc Girondot, Pr
> Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution
> Equipe de Conservation des Populations et des Communautés
> CNRS, AgroParisTech et Université Paris-Sud 11 , UMR 8079
> Bâtiment 362
> 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
> Tel:  33 1 (0)   Fax: 33 1 (0)
> e-mail: marc.giron...@u-psud.fr
> Web: 
> http://www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/**conservation/Marc.html<http://www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/Marc.html>
> Skype: girondot

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