Ok. I apologise for not understanding. So, I have installed R-tools. It
changed my PATH-variable. I didn't installed Cygwin dlls as stated by
Instead my PATH-variable contains the path to the Cygwin dlls AFTER the
path to R... So, I started RTerm (32-bit) and tried > R CMD SHLIB mango.f95
and got the same error as earlier "Error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD"".
The same goes for RTerm (64-bit). Can you pls advice me on how to proceed?
Sincerely Jens

On 24 April 2013 20:08, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 13-04-24 1:51 PM, Jens Olofsson wrote:
>> Dear Duncan,
>> I know this isn't a forum for Cygwin, but for R. Pls treat me as a noob
>> and
>> also remember I am on Windows. How should I use R CMD SHLIB as if I write
>> that at the prompt I get the error: unexpected symbol in "R CMD". I have
>> mango.f95 in the working directory.
> That's a command-line command, not something done with R.  You can use it
> from your bash shell if you have R and the Rtools directories on your path,
> or from the Windows CMD shell.
> BTW, my comment wasn't trying to tell you to go to a Cygwin forum, it was
> telling you that Cygwin's gfortran is unsupported.  You need to use the
> MinGW-64 one that we distribute if you want us to be able to help.
> Duncan Murdoch
>  //Jens
>> On 24 April 2013 19:46, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On 13-04-24 1:36 PM, Jens Olofsson wrote:
>>>  Dear users of R
>>>> I have a subroutine in Fortran95, compiled to a DLL with gfortran in
>>>> Cygwin
>>>> 4.5.3.
>>> We don't support Cygwin.  You should use the gfortran in Rtools, and get
>>> R
>>> to set the command line options for you, either by putting the code in a
>>> package, or by using R CMD SHLIB Mango.f95.
>>> Duncan Murdoch
>>>   The subroutine is:
>>>> subroutine MyPBP( S, p, N )
>>>>       ! Expose subroutine rtest to users of this DLL
>>>>       !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT, C, REFERENCE, ALIAS: "mypbp_" ::mypbp
>>>>       ! This function computes the Poisson-Binomial distribution
>>>>       ! of size N using p
>>>>       double precision, intent(inout) :: S(N+1)
>>>>       double precision, intent(in) :: p(N)
>>>>       integer, intent(in) :: N
>>>>       double precision :: X(N+1)
>>>>       integer i, j
>>>>       !X=0
>>>>       !S=0
>>>>       X(1) = 1 - p(1)
>>>>       X(2) = p(1)
>>>>       do i = 2, N
>>>>           S(1) = X(1)*(1-p(i))
>>>>           do j = 2,i
>>>>               S(j) = X(j-1)*p(i) + X(j)*(1-p(i))
>>>>           end do
>>>>           S(i+1) = X(i)*p(i)
>>>>           X = S
>>>>           if (i == N) then
>>>>               S = X
>>>>           end if
>>>>       end do
>>>> end subroutine MyPBP
>>>> and it is saved into Mango.f95
>>>> I compile it from the bash shell using: gfortran-4 c- Mango.f95 and
>>>> gfortran-4 -shared -o Mango.dll Mango.o
>>>> I am on a Windows machine running Windows 7 with Intel i7.
>>>> I load the dll in a 32-bit R by dyn.load("Mango.dll"). Using
>>>> getLoadedDLLs
>>>> I can see the DLL. However, is.loaded("Mango.dll") = FALSE. In
>>>> addition, R
>>>> stop responding when I try .Fortran("MyPBP", as.numeric(S),
>>>> as.numeric(p),
>>>> as.integer(N)),
>>>> where N<-5, S<-array(0,N+1) and p<- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9).
>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>>> Any ideas, thoughts and/or comments are highly appreciated.
>>>> Jens
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