On Mar 7, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Lucas wrote:

Thank you.

What could be a "User Error"? where could I be making a mistake?

Please consider what you are requesting. Attempting to enumerate the possible errors would start with data input errors, progress through transformational errors and finish up with analysis errors. It would expand from that broad classification into something like the accumulated sampling of user errors recorded in the 15 years of Rhelp archives as a lower bound, which all users know is not inclusive since we have made additional errors in the privacy of our own bedrooms. Without a reproducible sample of data and code there can be no specificity. The discipline of constructing a reproducible question to R-help has led to quite a few solutions to my errors, (which were then not posted.)

I cannot use a lm because my data is not normal, is categorical (count
data). So my first option was Poisson, but had severe overdispersion
problems so I used Binomial Negative as an option.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.


2012/3/7 peter dalgaard <pda...@gmail.com>

On Mar 7, 2012, at 15:02 , Lucas wrote:

Hi Pascal.

I applied my analysis in time. I have 25 fire seasons, each season starts
on November and ends up on April (our summer)

Hey, why are you worrying about regression coefficients. _Everything_ is
upside-down at your place... ;-)

, so I have used them as
independent observations. I know that assumption it could be wrong, but
the only way I can use the information available.

As a general matter, there are three possibilities

1) User error
2) Method artifact
3) Counterintuitive (but true) relation

and you really need to keep the possibility of 3) in mind rather than
poking around hoping that the counterintuitive signs would go away by

To investigate, I think I would make some stabs that try to get closer to the raw data. If you produce a plot showing that the average number of fires is increasing with temperature and a model fit with temperature as the only predictor apparently shows the opposite, then I'd suspect a user
error causing coefficients not to mean what you think they mean.

Thank you.

2012/3/7 Pascal Oettli <kri...@ymail.com>

Hi Lucas,

Do you apply your analysis in time or in space?


----- Mail original -----
De : Lucas <lpchaparro...@gmail.com>
À : r-help@r-project.org
Cc :
Envoyé le : Mercredi 7 mars 2012 22h34
Objet : [R] Problems with generalized linear model (glm) coefficients.

Hello to everyone.

I´m writing you because I´m feeling a bit frustrated with my work.

My work consists in finding the relation between the amount of fires
the weather, so, my response variable is the amount of fires in a fire season and the explanatory variables are the temperature, the amount of precipitation and the some others∑. my problem is this; I keep getting
wrong sign in the coefficients estimated, I get a negative sign for
temperature and a positive sign for precipitation, which is
the greater the temperature I would expect more fire, on the contrary,
greater the precipitation I would expect less fires. So far I have deal with overdispersion, multicollinearity and the amount of zeroes through passing from Poisson to Negative Binomial and Hurdle. I believe I have used all my options and still have the wrong signs on my coefficients.

Do I have more options? What does it mean that I keep getting those

If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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