Hi all,

@Martin - thanks for the help it works very good.

@David - sorry for the misunderstanding. I will see to it, that it won't
happen again.
BTW, unfortunately your function is not working.
It is patialy my error as I gave no regions with overlaps, but even after
changing them it just doesn't fit.

Here is the new data with an overlap in the third gene:

genetable <- rd.txt("name     chr     start     end     str
accession     Length

 gen1     4     646752     646838     +     MI0005806     86
 gen12     2L     243035     243141     -     MI0005821     106
 gen3     2L     159838     159928     +     MI0005813     90
 gen7     2L     1831685     1831799     -     MI0011290     114
 gen4     2L     2737568     2737661     +     MI0017696     93")
 loctable <- rd.txt("Chr     Start     End     length

 4     136532     138654     2122
 3     139870     141970     2100
 2L     157838     160440     2602
 X     160834     162966     2132
 4     204040     208536     4496")

But I still get:
>  apply(genetable, 1, function(x) inregion(x, loctable[, c("Start",
"End")]) )

for the single queries I get TRUE:

>  inregion(genetable[3, ], loctable[, c("Start", "End")])
[1] TRUE

Do you have Idea, as to how I can fix this problem?

Thanks and again sorry for the trouble.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 15:48, Martin Morgan <mtmor...@fhcrc.org> wrote:

> On 10/25/2011 03:42 AM, Assa Yeroslaviz wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I would like to know whether it is possible to compare to tables for
>> certain
>> parameters.
>> I have these two tables:
>> gene table
>> name     chr     start     end     str     accession     Length
>> gen1     4     646752     646838     +     MI0005806     86
>> gen12     2L     243035     243141     -     MI0005821     106
>> gen3     2L     159838     159928     +     MI0005813     90
>> gen7     2L     1831685     1831799     -     MI0011290     114
>> gen4     2L     2737568     2737661     +     MI0017696     93
>> ...
>> localization table:
>> Chr     Start     End     length
>> 4     136532     138654     2122
>> 3     139870     141970     2100
>> 2L     157838     158440     602
>> X     160834     162966     2132
>> 4     204040     208536     4496
>> ...
>> I would like to check whether a specific gene lie within a certain region.
>> For example I want to see if gene 3 on chromosome 2L lies within the
>> region
>> given in the second table.
> Hi Assa --
> In Bioconductor, use the GenomicRanges package. Create two GRanges objects
>  genes = with(genetable, GRanges(chr, IRanges(start, end), str,
>                                  accession=accession, Length=length)
>  locations = with(locationtable, GRanges(Chr, IRanges(Start, End)))
> then
>  olaps = findOverlaps(genes, locations)
> queryHits(olaps) and subjectHits(olaps) index each gene with all locations
> it overlaps. The definition of 'overlap' is flexible, see ?findOverlaps.
> Martin
>> What I would like to is like
>> 1. check if the gene lies on a specific chromosome
>> 1.a if no - go to the next line
>> 1.b if yes - go to 2
>> 2. check if the start position of the gene is bigger than the start
>> position
>> of the localization table AND if it smaller than the end position (if it
>> lies between the start and end positions in the localization table)
>> 2.a if no - go to the next gene
>> 2.b if yes - give it to me.
>> I was having difficulties doing it without running into three interleaved
>> conditional loops (if).
>> I would appreciate any help.
>> Thanks
>> Assa
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