> [R] Selecting cases from matrices stored in lists
> mdvaan 
> to:
> r-help
> 08/22/2011 07:24 AM
> Hi,
> I have two lists (c and h - see below) containing matrices with similar
> cases but different values. I want to split these matrices into multiple
> matrices based on the values in h. So, I did the following:
> years<-c(1997:1999) 
> for (t in 1:length(years)) 
>         { 
>         year=as.character(years[t]) 
>         h[[year]]<-sapply(colnames(h[[year]]), function(var)
> h[[year]][h[[year]][,var]>0, h[[year]][var,]>0]) 
>         } 
> Now that I have created list h (with split matrices), I would like to 
> these selections to make similar selections in list c. List c needs to 
> the exact same shape as h, so that `8026`in 1997 (c$`1997`$`8026`) looks
> like this: 
> $`1997`$`8026` 
>       B 
> B      8025 8026 8029 
>   8025   1.0000000 0.7739527 0.9656091 
>   8026   0.7739527 1.0000000 0.7202771 
>   8029   0.9656091 0.7202771 1.0000000 
> Can anyone help me doing this? I have no idea how I can get it to work.
> Thank you very much for your help! 

Try this:

c2 <- h
years <- names(h)
for (t in seq(years))
        year <- years[t]
        c2[[year]] <- sapply(colnames(h[[year]]), function(var) 
                c[[t]][h[[year]][ ,var] > 0, h[[year]][var, ] > 0]) 

By the way, it's great that you included code in your question.
However, I encountered a couple of errors when running you code (see 

Also, it would be better to use a different name for your list "c", 
because c() is a function in R.


> library(zoo) 
> DF1 = data.frame(read.table(textConnection("    B  C  D  E  F  G 
> 8025  1995  0  4  1  2 
> 8025  1997  1  1  3  4 
> 8026  1995  0  7  0  0 
> 8026  1996  1  2  3  0 
> 8026  1997  1  2  3  1 
> 8026  1998  6  0  0  4 
> 8026  1999  3  7  0  3 
> 8027  1997  1  2  3  9 
> 8027  1998  1  2  3  1 
> 8027  1999  6  0  0  2 
> 8028  1999  3  7  0  0 
> 8029  1995  0  2  3  3 
> 8029  1998  1  2  3  2 
> 8029  1999  6  0  0  1"),head=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) 
> a <- read.zoo(DF1, split = 1, index = 2, FUN = identity) 
> sum.na <- function(x) if (any(!is.na(x))) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) else NA 
> b <- rollapply(a, 3,  sum.na, align = "right", partial = TRUE) 

Error in FUN(cdata[st, i], ...) : unused argument(s) (partial = TRUE)

rollapply() has no argument partial.

> newDF <- lapply(1:nrow(b), function(i) 
>               prop.table(na.omit(matrix(b[i,], nc = 4, byrow = TRUE, 
>                 dimnames = list(unique(DF1$B), names(DF1)[-1:-2]))), 1)) 

> names(newDF) <- time(a) 

Error in names(newDF) <- time(a) : 
  'names' attribute [5] must be the same length as the vector [3]

newDF has only 3 names, but time(a) is of length 5.

> c<-lapply(newDF, function(mat) tcrossprod(mat / sqrt(rowSums(mat^2)))) 
> DF2 = data.frame(read.table(textConnection("  A  B  C 
> 80  8025  1995 
> 80  8026  1995 
> 80  8029  1995 
> 81  8026  1996 
> 82  8025  1997 
> 82  8026  1997 
> 83  8025  1997 
> 83  8027  1997 
> 90  8026  1998 
> 90  8027  1998 
> 90  8029  1998 
> 84  8026  1999 
> 84  8027  1999 
> 85  8028  1999 
> 85  8029  1999"),head=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) 
> e <- function(y) crossprod(table(DF2[DF2$C %in% y, 1:2])) 
> years <- sort(unique(DF2$C)) 
> f <- as.data.frame(embed(years, 3)) 
> g<-lapply(split(f, f[, 1]), e) 
> h<-lapply(g, function (x) ifelse(x>0,1,0)) 
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