Hello Bernhard, 
        thank You so much one again! Now I (more or less) understand the idea, 
but still have problem with its practical application.
        I do (somewhat following example 8.1 in your textbook):
        dat1 <- my.data[, c("dY", "X", "dM")]
        dat2 <- cbind(time)
        What is 'time'? Just employ matrix(seq(1:nrow(dat1)), ncol = 1) for 
creating the trend variable.
        yxm.vecm <- ca.jo(dat1, type = "trace", ecdet = "trend", K = 2, spec = 
"longrun", dumvar=dat2)

        The above code produces following output:

        Error in r[i1, , drop = FALSE] - r[-nrow(r):-(nrow(r) - lag + 1L), , 
drop = FALSE] : 
          non-numeric argument to binary operator

        What does that mean? Should I use cbind command to dat1 as well? And 
doesn't it transform the series into series of integer numbers?

        Thank you once again (especially for your patience).


        2011/3/31 Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. <bernhard_pf...@fra.invesco.com>

                Hello Greg,
                you include your trend as a (Nx1) matrix and use this for 
'dumvar'. The matrix 'dumvar' is just added to the VECM as deterministic 
regressors and while you are referring to case 5, this is basically what you 
are after, if I am not mistaken. But we aware that this implies a quadratic 
trend for the levels.


                        Von: Grzegorz Konat [mailto:grzegorz.ko...@ibrkk.pl] 
                        Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 20:50
                        An: Pfaff, Bernhard Dr.; r-help@r-project.org
                        Betreff: Re: [R] VECM with UNRESTRICTED TREND
                        Hello Bernhard, 

                        Thank You very much. Unfortunately I'm still not really 
sure how should I use dummy vars in this context...
                        If I have a system of three variables (x, y, z), lag 
order = 2 and 1 cointegrating relation, what should I do? I mean, what kind of 
'pattern' should be used to create those dummy variables, what should they 
represent and how many of them do I need?

                        Many thanks in advance!

                        2011/3/30 Pfaff, Bernhard Dr. 

                                Hello Greg,
                                you can exploit the argument 'dumvar' for this. 
See ?ca.jo
                                > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
                                > Von: r-help-boun...@r-project.org
                                > [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] Im 
Auftrag von Grzegorz Konat
                                > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 16:46
                                > An: r-help@r-project.org
                                > Betreff: [R] VECM with UNRESTRICTED TREND
                                > Dear All,
                                > My question is:
                                > how can I estimate VECM system with 
"unrestricted trend" (aka
                                > "case 5") option as a deterministic term?
                                > As far as I know, ca.jo in urca package 
allows for "restricted trend"
                                > only [vecm
                                > <- ca.jo(data, type = "trace"/"eigen", ecdet 
= "trend", K =
                                > n, spec = "transitory"/"longrun")].
                                > Obviously, I don't have to do this in urca, 
so if another
                                > package gives the possibility, please let me 
know too!
                                > Thanks in advance!
                                > Greg
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