That is what I wanted. Thank you very much Chuck.


Chuck Cleland wrote:
> _Fede_ wrote:
>> Sorry for the previous message. I have been reading the help page about
>> boot
>> library and I have already understood what the arguments made reference
>> (original data and vector of indices). Now everything is ok.Thanks for
>> your
>> help. 
>> But I have another doubt. How I can make a histogram of the bootstrap
>> samples? How can I access them when I use boot function?
>> Thank you in advance.
>   To see the structure of x.boot use str(x.boot).  Also, the help page
> for boot() describes the following:
> t A matrix with R rows each of which is a bootstrap replicate of
> statistic.
>   So you want something like this:
> hist(x.boot$t)
>> _Fede_
>> Chuck Cleland wrote:
>>> _Fede_ wrote:
>>>> Hi again.
>>>> Watching this example that appears in the help page
>>>> ratio <- function(d, w) sum(d$x * w)/sum(d$u * w)
>>>> city.boot <- boot(city, ratio, R = 999, stype = "w",sim = "ordinary")
>>>>, conf = c(0.90,0.95),type =
>>>> c("norm","basic","perc","bca"))
>>>> I have tried to do the following (calling boot() to create an object to
>>>> pass
>>>> to
>>>> x <- rnorm(20)
>>>> kurtosis <- function(x) (mean((x-mean(x))^4))/(sd(x)^4)
>>>> x.boot <- boot(x, kurtosis, R = 999, sim = "ordinary")
>>>>, conf = 0.95,type = c("norm","basic","perc","bca"))
>>>> But I don't know why this don't work. The editor window shows the
>>>> following
>>>> error message:
>>>> Error in statistic(data, original, ...) : unused argument(s) (1:20)
>>>> I suppose that something is wrong with my data but I don't know what
>>>> is.
>>>> Thanks in advance and wishing everybody a happy new year.
>>>   Check the statistic argument to boot() very carefully.  When sim =
>>> "ordinary" the statistic function must have at least two arguments.  Try
>>> something like this:
>>> library(boot)
>>> kurtosis <- function(x) (mean((x-mean(x))^4))/(sd(x)^4)
>>> x <- rnorm(20)
>>> x.boot <- boot(x,
>>>                statistic = function(d, ind){kurtosis(d[ind])},
>>>                R = 999,
>>>                sim = "ordinary")
>>>, conf = 0.95, type = c("norm","basic","perc","bca"))
>>> Based on 999 bootstrap replicates
>>> CALL :
>>> = x.boot, conf = 0.95, type = c("norm", "basic",
>>>     "perc", "bca"))
>>> Intervals :
>>> Level      Normal              Basic
>>> 95%   ( 1.060,  2.430 )   ( 0.899,  2.233 )
>>> Level     Percentile            BCa
>>> 95%   ( 1.394,  2.728 )   ( 1.373,  2.690 )
>>> Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
>>>   Also, note that the e1071 package contains a kurtosis function.
>>>> Regards 
>>>> _Fede_
>>>> Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
>>>>> You need to call boot() to create an object to pass to
>>>>> There are lots of examples in the help pages and in the book that
>>>>> package 
>>>>> 'boot' supports. From the help:
>>>>> Usage:
>>>>>, conf = 0.95, type = "all",
>>>>>               index = 1:min(2,length(boot.out$t0)), var.t0 = NULL,
>>>>>               var.t = NULL, t0 = NULL, t = NULL, L = NULL, h =
>>>>> function(t)
>>>>> t,
>>>>>               hdot = function(t) rep(1,length(t)), hinv = function(t)
>>>>> t,
>>>>> ...)
>>>>> Arguments:
>>>>> boot.out: An object of class '"boot"' containing the output of a
>>>>>            bootstrap calculation.
>>>>> and try class(z) .
>>>>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007, _Fede_ wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>> This is my first post in this forum. Finally I find a forum in the
>>>>>> web
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> R, although is not in my language.
>>>>>> Now I'm working with Bootstrap CI. I'd like to know how I can
>>>>>> calculate
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> Bootstrap CI for any statistic, in particular, for Kurtosis
>>>>>> Coeficient.
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> have done the following code lines:
>>>>>>> library(boot)
>>>>>>> x=rnorm(20)
>>>>>>> kurtosis=function(x) (mean((x-mean(x))^4))/(sd(x)^4)
>>>>>>> z <- numeric(10000)
>>>>>>> for(i in 1:10000)
>>>>>>> z[i]=kurtosis(sample(x, replace=TRUE))
>>>>>>>, conf = 0.95,type = c("norm","basic","perc","bca"))
>>>>>> But the output shows the next error:
>>>>>> Error en if (ncol(boot.out$t) < max(index)) { :
>>>>>>        argumento tiene longitud cero
>>>>>> I don't know what is wrong.
>>>>>> I hope that somebody can help me. Sorry for my english.
>>>>>> All have a nice new year.
>>>>>> _Fede_
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Professor of Applied Statistics,
>>>>> University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
>>>>> 1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
>>>>> Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595
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>>> Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
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>>> tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
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> -- 
> Chuck Cleland, Ph.D.
> NDRI, Inc.
> 71 West 23rd Street, 8th floor
> New York, NY 10010
> tel: (212) 845-4495 (Tu, Th)
> tel: (732) 512-0171 (M, W, F)
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