Qmail-Scanner 2.08 has been released. It's really a "2.07a" release -
but these days I hate that kind of fiddly versioning ;-)

It is purely a single bugfix release. One issue was discovered soon
after the release of 2.07 with the default timeout setting for spamc.
Qmail-Scanner defaults to a 30 sec timeout, but it has since been
discovered there are cases of spamd taking longer than 30sec to
successfully finishes scans, so it needs to be lengthened. Without a
longer timeout, it can mean that certain types of mail that take >30sec
for spamd to process will fail - triggering 2 retries (which will hit
the same limit) and an eventual SMTP "tempfail". With previous releases
they would be delivered as "?/?", but now in 2.07+ they tempfail - so
it's an issue to be concerned with.

Qmail-Scanner 2.08 simply replaces "--sa-timeout 30" with "--sa-timeout
120". Sites who have already upgraded to 2.07 may simply change one line
within qmail-scanner-queue.pl instead of actually upgrading. Other sites
may have already altered that setting during their install - so they can
ignore this upgrade too.


my $sa_timeout='30';


my $sa_timeout='120';

All users who have this 30sec timeout a *strongly urged* to increase it
to 120 - either manually or by upgrading to 2.08

As always, the latest version of Qmail-Scanner is available via our
friends at Sourceforge - http://qmail-scanner.sf.net/


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

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