At 13:35 +0200 25-05-2008, Daniel Garcia Bruno wrote:
>After the minimal   ./configure --sa-reject yes --sa-delete 5 --sa-
>quarantine 3 :
>The result   commented ./configure in the script is:
># ./configure --qs-user qscand --admin root --domain dl380 --admin-
>description "System Anti-Virus Administrator
>" --notify psender,nmlvadm --local-domains dl380 --silent-viruses auto 
>--virus-to-delete 0 --skip-text-msgs 1 -
>-lang en_GB --debug 0 --minidebug 1 --add-dscr-hdrs 0 --dscr-hdrs-text 
>"X-Qmail-Scanner" --normalize yes --arch
>ive 0 --settings-per-domain 0 --max-scan-size 100000000 --unzip 0 --
>max-zip-size 1000000000 --max-unpacked-file
>s 10000 --redundant 1 --log-details syslog --log-crypto 0 --fix-mime 2 
>--ignore-eol-check 0 --scanners "auto"
>My required-hits is at 5.0. Should this script reject mails scoring 
>10.0 and quarantine the ones scored 8.0 ??  because it is not 
>rejecting them, is the lack of --quarantine-reject?
>What would I be doing very wrong?
>Thank's a lot for your time
>PD:I'm on solaris 10 i386 spamassassin 3.2.4 Clamav 0.93

Hi Daniel

There is something wrong in your installation. It seems to me that 
the configure script it is not detecting spamassassin as none of the 
spamassassin parameters are in your configure line.

I am aware that Solaris use some strange paths, but I know that some 
people is using qs-2.02st successfully in Solaris 10.

Of course you have spamd daemon running while you are configuring 
qmail-scanner and you are using the last qs-2.02st version... If not, 
download a fresh copy and let me know. Maybe we can continue out of 
the list, and if you wish in Spanish.



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