Thank's for your quick answer.
I assure you I've created the configure arguments reading the  
definition one by one, around 10 times, but maybe I've been  
lobotomized in my sleep.
I modified the script by hand because it did not work after creating  
the  script so many times ... so aparently I screwed it up.
It was late and I put --sa-quarantine-reject in the text of the mail   
but never in the configure script and I meant --quarantine-reject wich  
is a qmail-scanner-st option.

And sorry again, but this phrase :

> # The following variable MUST NOT be modified, qmail-scanner will set
> # them by its own for each recipient.

made me think it was the variable not the variables that followed that  
statement, and as I did not make it work with the configure script I  
started messing with the script itself,
I agree it was a desperate move.

I'm assuming that the args --sa-reject --sa-delete and --sa-quarantine  
do NOT affect sa_*_site, is that it?
I just ./configured with --sa-reject yes --sa-delete 5 --sa-quarantine  
3 and none of the vars  sa_*_site where touched, is that the normal  
behaviour? and then edit the file?

The comments in the script talk ONLY about sa_quarantine, sa_delete  
etc not sa_delete_site etc .... It made me assume hat those vars where  
just  in case of
--settings-per-domain  set to 1, sorry if is not the case.

After the minimal   ./configure --sa-reject yes --sa-delete 5 --sa- 
quarantine 3 :

The result   commented ./configure in the script is:

# ./configure --qs-user qscand --admin root --domain dl380 --admin- 
description "System Anti-Virus Administrator
" --notify psender,nmlvadm --local-domains dl380 --silent-viruses auto  
--virus-to-delete 0 --skip-text-msgs 1 -
-lang en_GB --debug 0 --minidebug 1 --add-dscr-hdrs 0 --dscr-hdrs-text  
"X-Qmail-Scanner" --normalize yes --arch
ive 0 --settings-per-domain 0 --max-scan-size 100000000 --unzip 0 -- 
max-zip-size 1000000000 --max-unpacked-file
s 10000 --redundant 1 --log-details syslog --log-crypto 0 --fix-mime 2  
--ignore-eol-check 0 --scanners "auto"

My required-hits is at 5.0. Should this script reject mails scoring  
10.0 and quarantine the ones scored 8.0 ??  because it is not  
rejecting them, is the lack of --quarantine-reject?
What would I be doing very wrong?
Thank's a lot for your time

PD:I'm on solaris 10 i386 spamassassin 3.2.4 Clamav 0.93  

El 25/05/2008, a las 12:40, Salvatore Toribio escribió:

> At 0:41 +0200 25-05-2008, Daniel Garcia Bruno wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I've been using QS for a while now. I'm trying to configure qmal- 
>> scannet-st to reject mail.
>> I've tried many combinations but still QS always lets pass the SA  
>> tagged messages to maildirs
>> As can see in the configure command the --sa-reject --sa-delete -- 
>> sa-quarantine-reject are missing, but they were on the command  
>> line ....
>> So I find the sa_delete,sa_quarantine,sa_subject and write it by  
>> hand, where there was an empty value.
>> I guess I'm doing it wrong because it does not work :  )
>> I've tried with netqmail-1.05 and netqmail-1.06 with SA's required  
>> hits set to 5.0. setting QS_SPAMASSASSIN="yes" and without it.
>> Here's a part of the script. Thank's everybody for your help.
>> Daniel
> Hi Daniel
> Has probado a leer la documentación?.... Please read the docs from  
> the st version. qmail-scanner-st doesn't use '--sa-quarantine-reject'
>> my $sa_delta_site='0';
>> my $sa_quarantine_site='';
>> my $smaildir_site='spam';
>> my $sa_forward_site='';
>> my $sa_fwd_verbose_site='';
>> my $sa_delete_site='';
>> my $sa_reject_site='0';
> You have to set $sa_delete_site and $sa_reject_site.
> And also $sa_subject_site if you want to modify the subject. In  
> other words the parameters that should change are all of this kind  
> '$ppppp_site'
> In the script, just before these lines below there is something like  
> this:
> # The following variable MUST NOT be modified, qmail-scanner will set
> # them by its own for each recipient.
>> my $sa_subject='ESTO_es_SPAM_SCANNER';
>> my $sa_quarantine='';
>> my $sa_delta='';
>> my $sa_delete='5.0';
>> my $sa_reject=''1";
>> my $sa_forward='';
>> my $sa_fwd_verbose='';
>> my $sa_hdr_report='1';
>> my $smaildir='';
> Regards
> ST

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