There are a lot of SPP plugins to verify existence of recipient. I would suggest to use them. SPP invoke before qmail-scanner. I would love to see SPP recipient validation via SMTP delivery attempt or VRFY cmd for mail relays with Mysql DB caching, like Postfix has.
It would trigger even before greylisting.


Jason Haar wrote:
Lampa wrote:

use shupp toaster (, implement patch chkuser
( or there are other
mechanism (for example using badmailto or oposite - using only valid
emails - eg create list of all emails you have).
i.e. this is such a fundamental problem that it must be dealt with at
the Qmail level instead of within Qmail-Scanner. With the overhead of
running perl, AVs and (especially) SpamAssassin, it just isn't
appropriate to do this within Qmail-Scanner. Doing it within Qmail
itself (i.e. a patch) will remove a huge amount of traffic from even
getting to Qmail-Scanner.

I'd also suggest looking at the RECIPIENTS extension on

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