
I think your answer is right in the FAQ of qmail-scanner.

SMTP clients hang when sending messages to Qmail-Scanner.* This is 
because Qmail-Scanner processes the message completely before returning 
"OK" to the client. This doesn't matter when the client is a remote mail 
server (there's no-one there to get impatient), but when the remote 
client is a user - it can be annoying. The fix (as such) is to install 
Qmail-Scanner on a non-standard port (e.g. 26), and put a "pure" Qmail 
server up on port 25, which forwards all mail to port 26. That way the 
user sees immediate acceptance of their message, and the system will 
process it at it's own rate. Note: there is a downside. Now you have the 
situation where all mail is hitting Qmail-Scanner from /one/ address. As 
Qmail-Scanner uses the client IP address to decide whether to run things 
like SpamAssassin, how will it cope? Answer: it won't. If you really 
want to do this, the only solution is to use TWO addresses. One 
propagated via DNS MX records for the Internet to use (running 
Qmail-Scanner directly), and the other for only your users to use 
(gatewaying to Qmail-Scanner on port 26). If you are an ISP - or care 
about security - the tcpserver rules file can be used to limit access to 
the second address - to ensure only your dialup/whatever users can use it.

Michel Zobel

Sebastião Antônio Campos (Infojoi):
> When my users is sending e-mail the blue bar on the outlook express 
> appears and stay for a long time displaying.
> And some time the wait msg of smtp happen.

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