At 16:17 +0200 18-04-2006, David Pisa wrote:
Quoting David Pisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi to all,
I ahve a little problem with version 2.00 o qmail-scanner. The
configuration script doesn't detect any antivirus on my server.
Now I use qs version 1.25 and it's works fine. I had install
Spamassassin and F-prot antivirus.
........ (skip)
I have forget some information:
OS Debian 3.1
F-prot was installed in default path (/usr/local/f-prot)
spamassassin was installed in default path (usr/sbin)
but both f-prot and spamassassin dosn't detect corretly...
Hi David
Today Jason has released version 2.01 to avoid a
configure problem, I think you have proprio this
I guess that you can try something like this, chi sa se funzionerà...
SETUIDGID="/usr/bin/setuidgid" ./configure --your-options ....
Set the variable SETUIDGID to the location where
your 'setuidgid' is, maybe for you is
Let me if it works.
I will release 2.01st before next weekend, maybe..
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