Miloska wrote:
szia Andras,

i think you use debian, and there was (is) some mistake in debian
installer (i mean the package which is in official debian)

i removed the official package

apt-get remove f-prot-installer --purge

then i installed fprot from f-prot site

dpkg -i fp-linux-ws.deb

and now qmail-scanner detect f-prot in /usr/local/bin not in /usr/bin

this is about f-prot.

clamd is a good question, i played some to figure out what uid should
i use, but after some test it worked for me only if clamd was run
under root uid.

does anyone have better solution?

bye (udv)

If you want to scan entire drives or directories or whatever then yes, clamd needs to be run as root. It needs read access to every file you want to scan so this isnt really surprising. However this is not advised as it is a security risk and is not really the purpose of clamAV. ClamAV is primarily and email scanning product and thefore usually runs as the same user that processes email. Using qmail-scanner, this is usually qscand. I have been using clamav for this purpose (with qmail-scanner) for over a year now with great success.


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