szia Andras,

i think you use debian, and there was (is) some mistake in debian
installer (i mean the package which is in official debian)

i removed the official package

apt-get remove f-prot-installer --purge

then i installed fprot from f-prot site

dpkg -i fp-linux-ws.deb

and now qmail-scanner detect f-prot in /usr/local/bin not in /usr/bin

this is about f-prot.

clamd is a good question, i played some to figure out what uid should
i use, but after some test it worked for me only if clamd was run
under root uid.

does anyone have better solution?

bye (udv)

> Hi Gents,
> I have a seriuos issue with my system.
> I had a well configured and working email system running with
> qmail+qmail-scanner1.24st+f-prot+spamassassin, but yesterday the
> f-prot ate the CPU and made a 218 load. I tried to upgrade the f-prot to
>, and upgrade the qmail-scanner 1.25, and change the virusscanner
> to clamdscan, but I was failed. If I use debug and check the
> qmail-queue.log
> I see Access denied to clamdscan. I read the FAQ, but unfortunatelly i was
> not so talkative for me. :(
> If I not disable the clamdscan in my
> # my @scanner_array=("clamdscan_scanner","spamassassin");
> my @scanner_array=("spamassassin");
> the emails do not arrive.
> Has anybody got idea, how could I resolve this problem?
> Best wishes,
> Andras
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