This one time, at band camp, David Stanley wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I'm in a bit of a bind as per the subject.
>    I've conducted numerous spam and virus tests by sending them to email
>    accounts on my server and they all get through.
>    I've configured qmail as per the most of the guide on qmailrocks. I've
>    also gone through the guide on qmail.sourceforge.  Clamd & Spamd are
>    running or so they say.
>    I setup the qmail-queue. However mails are not being scanned.  The test
>    -doit seems to work ok although it says check account [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>    that's it.
>    One thing to note is I installed clamav and spamassassin via my
>    distributions RPMS but have edited the relevant files as stated in the
>    guide. (Suse 9.1)
>    Should I uninstall clamav and spamassassin and qmail-queue and try again
>    with the qmailrocks files?  Or perhaps I've missed something small to stop
>    this working.

What do the qmail-scanner logs say? What do the clam & spam logs say?

>    I've added the relevant lines to my smtp run file. And email is working
>    fine.

what lines? You should only need to make changes to the qmail-smtpd.tcp (or 
equiv) and recreate your cdb file. Thats unless of course your not using tcp 

>    Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
>    David Stanley


ISP Systems Specialist
Telkom Internet
#qmail-ldap @

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