
I am running a setup as suggested byJason's last paragraph, but using mysql 
instead of ldap
QS only checks for viruses.
Once a mail made it past that point, the database is consulted for local 
delivery instructions.
For normal users, this will be scripted delivery via SA into an imap mailbox

This way, both mails sent to more than one recipient, as well as mails whose 
recipient has specified
to deliver a copy to another local box will be spam-treated twice, according to 
the actual
recipient's settings

Incidentally, mails sent to more than five addresses at a time are tarpitted

Wolfgang Hamann

>> Bich wrote:
>> >I have installed qmail-ldap, spamassassin 3.0.2 and qmail-scanner
>> >1.24, everything with ldap.
>> >
>> >My problem is that when send a mail for 1 email address, it's is OK,
>> >but when it send to 2 or but email address, it does not work.
>> >
>> >  
>> >
>> Yes - that is a known issue. The problem is one of balancing performance 
>> vs perfect execution: if an incoming message is to >1 recip, then how do 
>> you do per-user configurations? Q-S could put extra "for recip in 
>> recips" loops in, but that adds time - and more importantly - what 
>> should it do when one of the recips FAILS? Fail the lot? What if they 
>> had already being delivered to? A failure will cause the whole lot to be 
>> retried later - which means double-delivery... Standard Qmail gets 
>> around this easily as it has forked off each delivery via the LDA - Q-S 
>> doesn't have such a luxury.
>> So I'm afraid unless you can think of some way around this, this is a 
>> fact of life. Q-S can't set different config options for a single mail 
>> message with multiple recips. As 99% of mail is to a single recip, it 
>> *mainly* doesn't matter...
>> Of course, if you were to call spamc via .qmail files or the likes - 
>> that would solve your problem - but then Q-S wouldn't be responsible for 
>> anti-spam in your environment anymore (if that is an issue)
>> -- 
>> Cheers

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