I had setup a qmail box for a customer with many patches:
spf from spf.pobox.com
discard feature I had written myself

This install uses q-s for all external (non-relayclient) incoming connections.
It has also setup helocheck and mfdnscheck (see spamcontrol).

This box has been working perfect for 10 days and esterday night, around 9:50pm, this box suddenly became an open relay. All new connections was having set RELAYCLIENT. In tcp.smtp, I don't have RELAYCLIENT set for last allow rule, only checks above and QMAILQUEUE to call q-s.
With q-s I have only clamav-0.81 to get rid of (some) virus.

I have softlimit set in qmail-smtpd service to 30000000.

Can anyone provide a reasonable explanation for this?? Might be related with ClamAV or Q-S issue??
(I am sure it is related with one of them...)

If there is needed any other info to understand/get better picture of this, don't hesitate to ask me for.

Many thanks.

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