It means that people sending attachments like "filename.doc.doc" are getting blocked, when they should have been let through. Even though it is a double-barreled extension - it's one that cannot change the way the end-user interacts with it (i.e. the user will think it's a Word document instead of a... Word document) - so it should be ignored.
If you want to fix it, change
if (!$quarantine_event && ($file =~ /(^.*)\.($VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)\s*\.($SNEAKY_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)$/i) && $file !~ /((\.[a-z0-9]{3})\1|\.pp.\.pp.)$/i) {
if (!$quarantine_event && ($file =~ /(^.*)\.($VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)\s*\.($SNEAKY_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)$/i) && $file !~ /(\.[a-z0-9]{3})\1|\.pp.\.pp.$/i) {
i.e. there's an extra set of brackets in there that aren't actually needed.
A simple patch against Q-S 1.24 is included to make life easier. Run as "patch < qs-1.24-double-barreled.patch", and then rebuild Qmail-Scanner as normal via "./configure..."
[Obviously this will be fixed in the next release. However, I have plans for a Jan release, and this isn't worth the title of 1.25 :-)]
-- Cheers
Jason Haar Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd. Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417 PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1
*** qmail-scanner-queue.template.orig 2004-12-09 12:12:01.250364751 +1300 --- qmail-scanner-queue.template 2004-12-09 12:12:13.433783734 +1300 *************** sub perlscan_scanner { *** 1136,1142 **** #The VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS is based on double-barrel virii caught in a years worth of Qmail-Scanner #logs (gotta love those logs!). Notice that I expressly allow "file.exe.exe" through - as the double-extension #doesn't hide anything [just implies a user made a mistake] ! if (!$quarantine_event && ($file =~ /(^.*)\.($VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)\.($SNEAKY_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)$/i) && $file !~ /((\.[a-z0-9]{3})\1|\.pp.\.pp.)$/i) { $quarantine_description="Disallowed double-barrelled attachment filename ($file) - potential virus"; &debug("w_c: $quarantine_description"); $illegal_mime=1; --- 1136,1142 ---- #The VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS is based on double-barrel virii caught in a years worth of Qmail-Scanner #logs (gotta love those logs!). Notice that I expressly allow "file.exe.exe" through - as the double-extension #doesn't hide anything [just implies a user made a mistake] ! if (!$quarantine_event && ($file =~ /(^.*)\.($VALID_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)\.($SNEAKY_WINDOWS_EXTENSIONS)$/i) && $file !~ /(\.[a-z0-9]{3})\1|\.pp.\.pp.$/i) { $quarantine_description="Disallowed double-barrelled attachment filename ($file) - potential virus"; &debug("w_c: $quarantine_description"); $illegal_mime=1;