Rick Macdougall writes:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hello folks,
I know that this is somewhat off topic but I think that people here will have a better handle on at least half of the problem. On a new server I installed everything to run under supervise (well everything qmail) ... in this setup I have: /service/qmail-send/ /service/qmail-smtpd/ /service/qmail-pop3d/ /service/qmail-spamd/ /service/qmail-clamd/ The reason for this is twofold: To be able to stop/start qmail and all of its services easily and I had hoped to use qmail-analog for analysis. Two problems with this: 1. spamd and clamd don't log anything through multilog so the second above doesn't help. 2. clamd seems to use a huge amount of system resources when running under supervise. This is a very lightly loaded test system and using top the CPU idle time averages around 30% running clamd under supervise but 96% - 99% idle running clamd (same command) from /etc/init.d/rc.local
How are you running clamd from the run file and is Foreground in your clamd.conf file ?
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