I thought this was a broblem, when I installed Q-S for the first time. 
Then, I made some change with the Q-S code, and it has been working fine  
with both Q-S-1.23 and 1.24.

The change I made was addition of 'lsndr' and 'phsndr' options to the 
'notify' setting. The explanation below is from my patched help message 
of configure:

Two NEW notify options are available - lsndr and phsndr. If "lsndr" is 
spcified, Q-S will notify sender ONLY if he belongs to local-domains. 
"phsndr" is the same but sender will notified if also mail was blocked 
by policy. In both cases, automated mail (ie. mailing-list) will avoid 

It is available in a form of Q-S source PATCH on my site. 
I am sory the site contents is only in Japanese, BUT the code doesnt 
depend on any specific locale.

I dont think many people have tested this code. Please notice me if 
there is any problem.

Tatsuya Nonogaki

Kieran wrote -
>I have hundreds of messages in my queue which have been generated by 
>mails with broken MIME, pretty much all of which are spam so the 
>messages don't get to the apparent sender... Without turning off sending 
>reports to psender, is there any way I can do that? I still want people 
>who send attachments I've explicitly blocked to be notified, is there a 
>way to remove broken MIME stuff from the psender group (as it were..)?
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