Jason Haar wrote:

On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 11:19:11PM -0400, Doug Monroe wrote:

I notice clamscan options within QS have changed from:
my $clamscan_options="-r --disable-summary --max-recursion=10 --max-space=100000";


my $clamscan_options="-r -m --unzip --unrar --unzoo --lha --disable-summary --max-recursion=10 --max-space=100000";

but I can run any of the above options from cmd line on the orig. email msg w/o problem.

Really? So if you kill those jobs off, do those same emails trigger the same
problem, or does that occur later with a new bunch of emails?

The difference there is the "-m" bit - scan mailboxes. I can imagine some
broken MIME mail messages (100% SPAM no doubt) could be triggering a bug in

Also check it isn't just a out of memory issue - maybe you need to up your
memory limits? (I can't see why as clamdscan won't use a lot of RAM. But are
you running clamd under softlimits? That would do it)

clamscan not clamdscan (yes...someday I'll move to clad [just need time]) but...yes...I can run clamscan with -m fine
Current softlimit fwiw is 18000000

$ clamscan -r -m --unzip --unrar --unzoo --lha --disable-summary --max-recursion=10 --max-space=100000 /tmp/clam/orig-twobar.example.com109213562948225466
/tmp/clam/orig-twobar.example.com109213562948225466: OK

Turns out its the same msg doing it repeatedly - I assume because it never got delivered and is being retried. And, though it may seem that way to the casual observer, it is not "spam" since it's directly related to the recipient org, not to mention requested by them :).

the orig msg is available at:

for now I'm reconfiguring QS to call clamscan without -m

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