Vicente Aguilar пишет:
I've found several versions of KAV to be a medium-sized pile of sh*t,
but due to management decisions we're stuck with it in our company (much
to my regret). :-(

well, I use Kaspersky AntiVirus scanner for Unix for about 3 years... from v3 for sendmail, to 4 and 5 with qmail...

Before I haven't any problems: the only terrible thing with it was it's ugly support service...

and I've successfully used qmail-scanner-1.15 with both kav4 and kav5...
but then... :)

i've looked throuhg archived qmail-scanner log files: it seems my antivirus defence breaks after one of everyday update... Heh, the date of failure is about the date of new realese well, i'll just try to refresh kav version from to

Anyway, anybody else is experiencing this kind of inconsistency problems
in the return codes with KAV?

actually NEVER...

Best Regards,
Yuri Nosyrev            mailto: nua at slavel dot ru

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