hi all

I have been battling to get these two programs to play well together

I have a currently running clamav-0.60 and qmail-scanner-1.16 and it works well. I am know setting up a new server and cant seem to resolve what seems to me to be a permission problem.

If i run clamd as root then all scanning happens and mail is processed. If I run clamd as qscand ( chown -Rf qscand:clamav /var/clamav/ and chown -Rf qscand:clamav /var/run/clamav/ ) then scanning fails with clam complaining that it can open /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/cen.8u9sd8987d9s/dir.

I have set the softlimit as per install and as I say if i run clamd as root it works.

it seems that files under /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp/emaildir/ are created as being root:vchkpw

Does anyone have any idea of what I am missing here ?
OS is CentOS-3.1


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