Hello list,
I have a strange problem regarding the
configuration of qmail-scanner.
I have searched the archive and google and can't
find any thing related to my problem.
The problem is that when I try to install
qmail-scanner, while issuing the command
./configure --spooldir /var/spool/qmailscan
--qmaildir /var/qmail --bindir /var/qmail/bin --qmail-queue-binary
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue --admin postmaster --notify
sender,admin --silent-viruses
--debug 1 --unzip 1 --add-dscr-hdrs 1 --archive 0 --redundant no --log-details
yes --log-crypto 0 --fix-mime 1
I got the following error
Testing suid nature of /usr/bin/suidperl...
Whoa - broken perl install found. Cannot even run a simple script setuid Installation of Qmail-Scanner FAILED
Error was:
Can't do setuid Redhat hosts need to have perl-suidperl installed
to get setuid support
See FAQ for further details I have the suidperl installed with the following permission -rws--x--x 2 root root 250578 Oct 15 17:14
I am using RH Fedora with
I know about the C wrapper that is present in the
contrib directory, but from what I have read, it is for the execution of the
qmail-scanner, i.e. I have to get qmail-scanner-queue.pl to be installed
Sorry for the long mail.
Any help would be very much
Best Regards,