I've tried looking around a bit in the readme and on the qmail-scanner site
but i havent been able to find much info regarding the use of qs2mrtg.pl.
The website mentions:

qs2mrtg.pl (and .cfg) added to contrib directory. This script reads
syslog-only formatted
        Q-S log records and converts them into MRTG graphs mail throughput,viruses
        spam stats. Run it as a cronjob like:

        */5 * * * *     /usr/bin/qs2mrtg.pl && /usr/bin/mrtg
/var/www/html/mrtg/mrtg-qmail.cfg > /dev/null 2>&1

but this is about all i have found for it.  in the contrib directory there
is a mrtg-qmail-scanner.cfg (no mrtg-qmail.cfg) but i am unsure as to where
to point the directories lines at the top

LogDir: /var/www/html/mrtg/qmail-scanner
Htmldir: /var/www/html/mrtg/qmail-scanner
ImageDir: /var/www/html/mrtg/qmail-scanner/images
IconDir: ../../icons

I would assume that i could point LogDir and Htmldir both to
/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/qmail-mrtg (which is my current installation of

I have no idea what ImageDir or IconDir would be.

And the last thing...

qmail-mrtg has graphs for spam and viruses but they dont work.  I know that
qs2mrtg.pl is supposed to fix this by getting the logs into a format that
mrtg can understand, but does this incorporate back into qmail-mrtg or does
it produce a seperate page of graphs for spam and virus info?  How could i
go about getting this information to show up on the broken graphs in the
original qmail-mrtg page?


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