Here is what the "antivir --version" command returns for me...
operating system: OpenBSD
product version:  2.0.3
engine version:
packlib version: (supports 18 formats)
vdf version: (66882 known viruses)

product:          AntiVir Server
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  thewares, RR
serial number:    XXXXXX
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir Workstation
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  thewares, RR
serial number:    XXXXXX
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir MailGate
key file:         hbedv.key
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir Workstation
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  thewares, RR
serial number:    XXXXXX
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir MailGate
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  thewares, RR
serial number:    XXXXX
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

product:          AntiVir (command line scanner)
key file:         hbedv.key
registered user:  thewares, RR
serial number:    XXXXXX
key expires:      31 DEC 2003
run mode:         COMMERCIAL

Doug Monroe said:
>As a start, please report back what that
> command actually outputs for you. This way someone might be able to
> suggest changes to the section of Q-S code:
>     } elsif ($scanner eq "hbedv") {
>       open(IS,"$hbedv_binary --version 2>&1 |")||die "failed to call
> $hbedv_binary --version - $!";
>       while (<IS>) {
>         chomp;
>         $SCANINFO .= "hbedv: $_. ";
>       }

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