Le 13/01/2025 à 12:43, Andrea Giudiceandrea a écrit :
Hi Mangla,
given the following error displayed it the processing algorithm log
GDAL command output:
ERROR 1: Error occurred in
at line 659
if the "TreeCanopy" and the "TreeCanopy_Urban" layers are supposed to
contain features, then it looks like either the ESRI FileGeodatabase
dataset is malformed or it was created in a format not correctly
recognized by the GDAL/OGR "OpenFileGDB" driver.
It would be useful if you shared such ESRI FileGeodatabase dataset.
I'm CC'ing Even Rouault, since I think he is interested in such issue.
@Mangla Please file an issue at
with the zipped geopackaged attached or a link where to download it
My software is free, but my time generally not.
Butcher of all kinds of standards, open or closed formats. At the end, this is
just about bytes.
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