As an end-user, I think this would be a great option. On Thu, 12 Dec 2024 at 06:12, Paul Wittle via QGIS-User <> wrote:
> Hi, > > > > I notice that the proj library has become pretty big in recent times and > I’ve discovered that if I remove a bunch of worldwide projections are I can > significantly reduce the size of QGIS installs. > > > > Whilst I understand that supporting a huge range of projections is an > amazing feature of the QGIS, I suspect there might be others who may also > want to occasionally tailor their download to a particular region or set of > regions. > > > > Would it be possible to have an option in the OSGeo4W installer to > download a smaller geographical region? > > > > Perhaps that might be something like: > > - Americas (North America, South America, Central America, Caribbean) > - Asia Pacific (Central & South Asia, Northeastern Asia, Southeastern > Asia, Australia and Oceania) > - Europe (Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western > Europe) > - Middle East/Africa (Middle East, Northern Africa, Southern Africa) > > > > I did steel those definitions from a website, but I was assuming it would > be most practical if there were only a few regions and that gives four. > > > > I believe the current size is just under 800MB but UK / world only is just > 5MB. You can see that makes a pretty big difference in size and I have > found that is useful in a company setting where you are trying to install > the application on devices. > > > > Not a big deal if that is not a good idea but I thought I’d share it in > case others would also like to be able to install QGIS with a smaller proj > library. > > > > Thanks, > > Paul > > > This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the > use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. It may contain > unclassified but sensitive or protectively marked material and should be > handled accordingly. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to > receive it for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to > anyone else. If you have received this transmission in error please notify > the sender immediately. All traffic may be subject to recording and/or > monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation. Any views expressed in > this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender > specifies and with authority, states them to be the views of Dorset > Council. Dorset Council does not accept service of documents by fax or > other electronic means. Virus checking: Whilst all reasonable steps have > been taken to ensure that this electronic communication and its attachments > whether encoded, encrypted or otherwise supplied are free from computer > viruses, Dorset Council accepts no liability in respect of any loss, cost, > damage or expense suffered as a result of accessing this message or any of > its attachments. For information on how Dorset Council processes your > information, please see > _______________________________________________ > QGIS-User mailing list > > List info: > Unsubscribe: > -- Emma Hain — Product Manager/Senior GIS Analyst [image:] *North Road* Cartography • Development • Spatial Analysis ------------------------------ ** <> <> <> <>
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