
I notice that the proj library has become pretty big in recent times and I've 
discovered that if I remove a bunch of worldwide projections are I can 
significantly reduce the size of QGIS installs.

Whilst I understand that supporting a huge range of projections is an amazing 
feature of the QGIS, I suspect there might be others who may also want to 
occasionally tailor their download to a particular region or set of regions.

Would it be possible to have an option in the OSGeo4W installer to download a 
smaller geographical region?

Perhaps that might be something like:

  *   Americas (North America, South America, Central America, Caribbean)
  *   Asia Pacific (Central & South Asia, Northeastern Asia, Southeastern Asia, 
Australia and Oceania)
  *   Europe (Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Western Europe)
  *   Middle East/Africa (Middle East, Northern Africa, Southern Africa)

I did steel those definitions from a website, but I was assuming it would be 
most practical if there were only a few regions and that gives four.

I believe the current size is just under 800MB but UK / world only is just 5MB. 
You can see that makes a pretty big difference in size and I have found that is 
useful in a company setting where you are trying to install the application on 

Not a big deal if that is not a good idea but I thought I'd share it in case 
others would also like to be able to install QGIS with a smaller proj library.


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