This series of patches implements coroutines method with

The flow of creation and management of the coroutines is
quite similar to the coroutine-ucontext.c. The way to use
sigaltstack to achieve the needed stack manipulation is
done in a way quite similar to the GNU Portable Threads
(file pth_mctx.c, variant 2).

This v2 has some corrections and improved patches, but it's 
essentially the same. At the moment, the default backend is
ucontext (the former default method for coroutines).

Alex Barcelo (3):
  coroutine: adding sigaltstack method (.c source)
  coroutine: adding configure choose mechanism for coroutine backend
  coroutine: adding configure option for sigaltstack coroutine backend

 Makefile.objs           |    4 +
 configure               |   41 +++++-
 coroutine-sigaltstack.c |  334 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 coroutine-sigaltstack.c


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