On 20/02/2023 20.56, John Snow wrote:
On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 1:16 AM Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com> wrote:

On 17/02/2023 21.46, John Snow wrote:
On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 5:58 AM Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com> wrote:

On 15/02/2023 20.05, Markus Armbruster wrote:
The discussion under PATCH 6 makes me think there's a bit of confusion
about the actual impact of dropping support for Python 3.6.  Possibly
because it's spelled out in the commit message of PATCH 7.  Let me
summarize it in one sentence:

       *** All supported host systems continue to work ***

Evidence: CI remains green.

The CI remains green since one of the patches disabled the building of the
docs on CentOS 8. That's not how I'd describe "continue to work", at least
not in the same extend as before.

On some supported host systems, different packages need to be installed.
On CentOS 8, for instance, we need to install Python 3.8.13 or 3.9.16
instead of 3.6.8.  Let me stress again: same repository, different
package.  No downsides I can see.

The *one* exception is Sphinx on CentOS 8.  CentOS 8 does not ship a
version of Sphinx that works with Python 3.7 or newer.  This series
proposes to simply stop building the docs there, unless the user
provides a suitable version of Sphinx (which is easy enough with pip).

I think we've all understood that. The thing that you obviously did not
understood: This breaks our support statement.
I'm pretty sure that you could also build the whole QEMU suite successfully
on an ancient CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 18.04 system if you manually install a
newer version of GCC and some of the required libraries first. But that's
not how we understand our support statement.

Sure, you can argue that you can use "pip install" to get a newer version of
Sphinx on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 to continue building the docs there - but is
that really that much different from installing a newer version of GCC and
libraries on an ancient distro that we do not officially support anymore?
I'd say no. You also have to consider that not every build host has access
to the internet, maybe some companies only have an internal mirror of the
distro packages in their intranet (I remember some discussion about such a
case in the past) - so while you were perfectly fine to build the whole of
QEMU on a CentOS 8 there before this change, you could now not build parts
of QEMU anymore there due to the missing possibility to run "pip install"
without full internet connection.

There are good points elsewhere in this thread and I am taking notes,
but this critique caught my eye as something I was not specifically
planning around, so I wanted to get an elaboration here if I may.

Do we have a support statement for this? I find this critique somewhat
surprising -- If we don't have internet, how did we get the other 20
to 30 dependencies needed to build QEMU? To what extent are we
*required* to preserve a build that works without internet access?

It's not written in stone, but I saw it this way: If I have a complete
mirror of a distro repository in my intrAnet, I can use that mirror to set
up a QEMU build host system that has no access to the internet. Or maybe
think of a DVD image(s) with all distro packages that you use to install a
host without network access (and you copy the QEMU tarball there via USB
stick). I think it's not that uncommon to have such scenarios out there.

For example, do you remember that SDL 1.2 discussion a some years ago? See:


It was not exactly the same situation, since those folks were even unable to
install a SDL2-devel package on their pre-installed hosts, though it was
theoretically available as an update in their distro, but I think it gives
an impression of what people are using and expecting out there... (and no,
I'm not happy with this, I'd also rather love if we could move faster in the
QEMU project sometimes).


Well, in this case I believe our support policy generally is written
to require a fully up-to-date version of the LTS distros, e.g. we
don't really test against "release day" 16.04, in the same way we
don't offer support for RHEL 8.0, just the latest point release.

Yes, sure, that's what I meant with "not exactly the same situation" ... it was just an example of people trying to compile QEMU offline.

I think really all we need is the ability to know a priori what we
need to build QEMU before going offline without any last second
surprises during configure, make, or make check. Right?

I think it should be OK with the patch that Paolo suggested for the support policy and maybe a note somewhere that you have to make sure to install a newer Sphinx with pip in case you still want to build the docs on older enterprise distros...


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