On Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:59:54 AM Paul Moore wrote:
> On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 08:43:15 AM Stefan Berger wrote:
> > The following series of patches adds TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
> > support to Qemu. An emulator for the TIS (TPM Interface Spec) interface
> > is added that provides the basis for accessing a 'backend' implementing
> > the actual TPM functionality. The TIS emulator serves as a 'frontend'
> > enabling for example Linux's TPM TIS (tpm_tis) driver.
> Hi Stefan,
> Thanks for updating these, I apologize for not tracking the updates very
> closely over the past several revisions but I do have the v14 revision up
> and running and while my testing so far has been fairly basic and crude,
> everything appears to be working as it should.  I'm going to try and throw
> some more comprehensive tests at it and I'll let you know if anything goes
> awry.

An update on the testing ... I ran the TPM relevant portion of the TrouSerS 
TSS API test suite against this patchset and I am happy to report that it 
completed without error (168 passed tests, 3 not applicable, 0 failures, 0 

Version 0.3 of the test suite was used.

> To the rest of the QEMU crew,
> The comments on the patchset seems to be dwindling, we're on the 14th
> revision and it looks like most of the issues have been addressed - any
> hope on getting this merged in the near future?
> Thanks.

paul moore
virtualization @ redhat

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