On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 08:43:15 AM Stefan Berger wrote: > The following series of patches adds TPM (Trusted Platform Module) support > to Qemu. An emulator for the TIS (TPM Interface Spec) interface is > added that provides the basis for accessing a 'backend' implementing the > actual TPM functionality. The TIS emulator serves as a 'frontend' enabling > for example Linux's TPM TIS (tpm_tis) driver.
Hi Stefan, Thanks for updating these, I apologize for not tracking the updates very closely over the past several revisions but I do have the v14 revision up and running and while my testing so far has been fairly basic and crude, everything appears to be working as it should. I'm going to try and throw some more comprehensive tests at it and I'll let you know if anything goes awry. To the rest of the QEMU crew, The comments on the patchset seems to be dwindling, we're on the 14th revision and it looks like most of the issues have been addressed - any hope on getting this merged in the near future? Thanks. -- paul moore virtualization @ redhat