Hello QEMU folks. I was struggling to fix a recent heisenbug in the Linux kernel, and fortunately the bug was reproducible with TCG and -smp 1.
I'm using qemu version 7.2.0, and guest architecture is i386. I tried to inspect the bug using record/replay and reverse-debugging feature in the QEMU. recorded with: qemu-system-i386 \ -icount shift=auto,rr=record,rrfile=$REPLAY_FILE \ -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage \ -cpu SandyBridge \ -initrd debian-i386.cgz \ -smp 1 \ -m 1024 \ -nographic \ -net none \ -append "page_owner=on console=ttyS0" and replayed with: qemu-system-i386 \ -icount shift=auto,rr=replay,rrfile=$REPLAY_FILE \ -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage \ -cpu SandyBridge \ -initrd debian-i386.cgz \ -smp 1 \ -m 1024 \ -nographic \ -net none \ -s \ -append "page_owner=on console=ttyS0" (I'm using a initrd image instead of a disk file.) The record and replay works well. The bug is reliably reproduced when relaying. but when I try to reverse-continue or reverse-stepi after kernel panic, the gdb only says: "remote failure reply 'E14'" Is there something I'm missing, or record/replay do not work with QEMU v7.2.0 or i386? -- Best regards, Hyeonggon