(2012/01/13 10:09), Benoit Hudzia wrote:
Sorry to jump to hijack the thread like that , however i would like
to just to inform you that we recently achieve a milestone out of the
research project I'm leading. We enhanced KVM in order to deliver
post copy live migration using RDMA at kernel level.
Few point on the architecture of the system :
* RDMA communication engine in kernel ( you can use soft iwarp or soft
ROCE if you don't have hardware acceleration, however we also support
standard RDMA enabled NIC) .
* Naturally Page are transferred with Zerop copy protocol
* Leverage the async page fault system.
* Pre paging / faulting
* No context switch as everything is handled within kernel and using
the page fault system.
* Hybrid migration ( pre + post copy) available
* Rely on an independent Kernel Module
* No modification to the KVM kernel Module
* Minimal Modification to the Qemu-Kvm code
* We plan to add the page prioritization algo in order to optimise the
pre paging algo and background transfer
You can learn a little bit more and see a demo here:
I hope to be able to provide more detail on the design soon. As well
as more concrete demo of the system ( live migration of VM running
large enterprise apps such as ERP or In memory DB)
Note: this is just a step stone as the post copy live migration mainly
enable us to validate the architecture design and code.
Do you have any plan to send the patch series of your implementation?