On 12 January 2012 23:47, Andreas Färber <afaer...@suse.de> wrote:
> PRI* should never include % or width specifier or prefix.
> What we should IMO do is:
> #define PRIdPLX PRId64
> #define PRIxPLX PRIx64
> #define PRIXPLX PRIX64
> /* or TARGET_PRI*PHYS or whatever */
> This can then be used as "... %02" PRIxPLX for shortened output.

Yes, I like this -- it's using the PRI* as a way of getting
"right format specifier for the type" without imposing the
width etc on the user, and it lines up with the standard
PRI* macros rather than being an oddity like TARGET_FMT_plx
is at the moment.

-- PMM

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