On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Orit Wasserman <owass...@redhat.com> wrote: > + .args_type = "detach:-d,blk:-b,inc:-i,xbrle:-x,uri:s", > + .params = "[-d] [-b] [-i] [-x] uri", > + .help = "migrate to URI" > + "\n\t -d to not wait for completion" > + "\n\t -b for migration without shared storage with" > + " full copy of disk" > + "\n\t -i for migration without" > + " shared storage with incremental copy of disk" > + " (base image shared between source and destination)" > + "\n\t -x to use XBRLE page delta compression",
It's too bad that this algorithm is user-visible and needs to be expicitly enabled/disabled. I think it would be useful in a much wider range of cases if the trade-offs were understood well enough so that QEMU can include a threshold or heuristic which chooses the migration algorithm behind the scenes. I'm afraid that locking XBRLE behind an explicit option means we're merging dead code. What do you think? Stefan