The source for it isn't available in order that it be compiled to the
desired architecture.

What 3rd party forks take this approach?

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 2:06 PM Alex Bennée <> wrote:

> Kenneth Adam Miller <> writes:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I just want to pose the following problem:
> >
> > There is a kernel module for a non-native architecture, say, arch 1. For
> performance reasons, the rest of all of the software needs to run
> > natively on a different arch, arch 2. Is there any way to perhaps run
> multiple QEMU instances for the different architectures in such a way
> > to minimize the cross architecture performance penalty? For example, I
> would like the kernel module in one (non-native) QEMU instance to
> > be made available, literally equivalently, in the second (native) QEMU
> instance. Would there be any API or way to map across the QEMU
> > instances so that the non native arch kernel module could be mapped to
> > the native QEMU instance?
> What you are describing sounds like heterogeneous system modelling which
> QEMU only supports in a very limited way (all vCPUs must be the same
> base architecture). You can link QEMU's together by way of shared memory
> but there is no other wiring together done in that case although some
> 3rd party forks take this approach.
> The kernel module sounds confusing - why would you have a kernel module
> that wasn't the same architecture as the kernel you are running?
> --
> Alex Bennée

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