Hi Richard,

On 12/22/21 05:25, Richard Henderson wrote:
Version 2: Dropped patch 31, the gitlab-ci change:

Found errors in your .gitlab-ci.yml:
'cross-loongarch64-system' job needs 'loongarch64-cross-container' job
but 'loongarch64-cross-container' is not in any previous stage
'cross-loongarch64-user' job needs 'loongarch64-cross-container' job
but 'loongarch64-cross-container' is not in any previous stage

Sorry for the delay in processing this (busy in end-of-year $DAY_JOB), I just noticed you've already pushed the gentoo-loongarch64-cross image to qemu-project container registry shortly after sending my revised patch.

The only thing missing in the original patch was two "optional: true" declarations in the "needs" section of the two cross build job stanzas; due to the long time required to re-build the image, you may just add the "optional: true"'s yourself and start to make use of the built image, and test the new patch at your leisure.

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