> > > > So I am not sure how to fix the assignment issues as I'm not sure how do
> > > > they trigger, but here is a wild idea: maybe it should support an API
> > > > for starting reset asynchronously, then if the following access is
> > > > trying to reset again that second reset can just be skipped, while any
> > > > other access will stall.  
> > > 
> > > As above, there's not a concurrency problem, so I don't see how an
> > > async API buys us anything.  
> > 
> > Well unplug resets the device again, right? Why is that reset not
> > problematic and this one is?
> It has the same issue, but there's no log message generated that
> worries QE into marking this as a regression.  Obviously the ideal
> outcome would be that we could reset the device under these conditions,
> but to this point we've only managed to introduce "try" semantics to
> the functions to prevent deadlock.  As this is a condition induced by
> corner case admin device handling, we've so far considered the reset
> failure acceptable.  Thanks,

Maybe it makes sense to move the check for pending removal into the vfio
reset handler then, and either skip logging an error or skip reset

take care,

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