Am 18.10.2011 16:35, schrieb Juan Pineda:
>>> What command line do you use? If using the right arguments you
>>> shouldn't see a window at all. Are you maybe using -drive instead of
>>> -hda and that is not yet handled correctly?
> The boot volume dialog appears only when a hard disk file is not supplied on 
> the command line. I would think the failure of the dialog to close is not 
> unique to Lion. However in prior OS releases it probably does not present a 
> problem as the main window can be raised above the dialog.

If that were the case I would see it as worth fixing there, too. :)

>>> Apart from this issue, is it working correctly for you?

> However building the main branch (with flags as above) does not work. The 
> build fails with error about redefinition of uint16 in fpu/softfloat.h. If 
> that is fixed the build completes. But trying to run qemu-system-i386 quits:
>> $ i386-softmmu/qemu-system-i386 -hda ~/Downloads/linux-0.2.img
>> GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once.
>> aborting...
>> Abort trap: 6

That's what I'm seeing, too, so I don't feel comfortable committing this
patch now. It compiles file, but it crashes either way with a message
similar to the above, so I don't see an improvement (yet).

If you could pinpoint where this error stems from (e.g., single-stepping
in gdb) that might help getting it fixed.


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