
On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 8:51 PM Ian Jackson <i...@xenproject.org> wrote:

> Marc-André Lureau writes ("Re: [RFC v3 13/32] rust: use vendored-sources"):
> > Yes, this is the shim to provide a C ABI QMP handler from Rust. This is
> where
> > all the FFI<->Rust conversion takes place.
> >
> > The "safe" code is qga/qmp/vcpus.rs. However, there is no
> > documentation there, since it's not meant to be the public
> > interface. It's documented with the QAPI schema.
> Right, thanks.  That does look like a PoC of a Rust API.  I wanted the
> rustdoc output because I find it provides a very uniform and readable
> presentation even of an API with no doc comments.
> I think maybe a thing I am missing is how you expect this to be used.
> Which parts of the system are going to be in Rust.  etc.
> And that would help explain what "public" means.
> I think the answer is probably in this example:
> https://patchew.org/QEMU/20210907121943.3498701-1-marcandre.lur...@redhat.com/20210907121943.3498701-30-marcandre.lur...@redhat.com/
> but although my C and Rust are both fine, I don't understand qemu well
> enough to make sense of it.
> ... wait, qga is "qemu guest agent" ?
> I think I am sort of seeing this use case now.  But presuambly there
> are other use cases for this QMP/QAPI type bridge stuff.
> Sorry to be asking such stupid questions.

There is no magic wand to introduce Rust code in an existing C code base.
You need to glue some C ABI to/from Rust. It's a lot of manual work to
properly bind a C API to Rust (it's a project on its own I would say).
Typically, FFI bindings can be automated from headers, and high-level Rust
bindings are done by hand. Then you want high-level bindings to take
advantage of Rust, for idiomatic and safe code. Various internal QEMU API
will have to be bound by hand to start using them from Rust. An isolated
unit (say a parser, a function) could be rewritten in Rust and a C ABI be
provided without much hassle. But in general, code is quickly
interdependent, or the amount of stuff to rewrite in one go is large and
risky to do it that way.

In the glib/gobject world, the ABI are annotated, and you can automate much
of the high-level binding process (which is amazing, given the complexity
of the APIs, with objects, async methods, signals, properties, .. various
concepts that don't match easily in Rust). To help with this process, they
introduced conversion traits (the ToQemu/FromQemu adapted here), common
interfaces, to help automate and compose complex types (and their own
binding generator).

(Unfortunately) QEMU doesn't use gobject, but it relies heavily on two type
systems of its own: QAPI and QOM. QAPI is actually more of an IDL, which
translates C from/to JSON/QMP and has commands and signals (and is the
protocol used to communicate with qemu or qemu-ga etc). A large part of
QEMU are direct users of the QAPI generated types and functions. It is thus
a good target to generate bindings automatically. As demonstrated at the
end, it allows writing QMP handlers in idiomatic Rust. Since
qemu-guest-agent doesn't have a complex internal state (most commands are
really independent, they could be different programs..!), I started
rewriting some handlers there. It feels relatively straightforward to
rewrite in Rust, and we could imagine a complete rewrite of qemu-ga...
However, it is less of a waste to focus on critical parts or newly added
code instead, imho! Furthermore, the Rust doesn't cover all targets C can
currently target, so we must have some care when deciding a language. (you
can imagine I would encourage anyone to do it in Rust!)

QOM is the QEMU object system and is spread throughout the code. If there
is enough interest for this Rust effort, I plan to look at binding it next
(based on my experience working on GObject bindings). I am afraid we are
not going to have as friendly bindings as what the GNOME team achieved, but
since QOM is a bit simpler, we may find acceptable compromises.

With QOM & QAPI, and manual bindings of internal APIs, I think we could
start writing interesting code in Rust, simple devices, external interfaces

 Hope that helps clarify a bit the current goals

Marc-André Lureau

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