
On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 8:29 PM Ian Jackson <i...@xenproject.org> wrote:

> Marc-André Lureau writes ("Re: [RFC v3 13/32] rust: use vendored-sources"):
> > You can start by reading `cargo doc -p common --open`. The generated
> > code needs some environment variables set, so `cargo doc -p qga`
> > will fail unless you set the environment variable
> >
> > MESON_BUILD_ROOT=`pwd` cargo doc -p qga --open --document-private-items
> Thanks.  I did this (and your rune from bofere) and I have the docs
> open.
> I wasn't quite sure where to start.  I didn't see where the
> entrypoints were.  I did find
>  .../target/doc/qga/qmp/fn.qmp_guest_set_vcpus.html
> which err, doesn't look like the kind of safe api I was hoping to
> find.

Yes, this is the shim to provide a C ABI QMP handler from Rust. This is
where all the FFI<->Rust conversion takes place.

The "safe" code is qga/qmp/vcpus.rs. However, there is no documentation
there, since it's not meant to be the public interface. It's documented
with the QAPI schema.

Marc-André Lureau

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