Hi everyone,


Thank you for your answers.

First of all, I made a mistake : the HP-UX 10.20 kernel (vmunix) is in the 
/stand (not /boot) filesystem.

I tried replacing /stand of the physical machine iso image with the /stand 
filesytem of the emulated B160L because I supposed that drivers are linked with 
the vmunix kernel. Maybe it's false. 

Furthermore, the /dev tree is important for dealing with the drivers.


I will continue to search for which files are hardware related. Maybe someone 
has done this research before ?


Best regards,



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Helge Deller <del...@gmx.de> 
Envoyé : dimanche 5 septembre 2021 22:32
À : Richard Henderson <richard.hender...@linaro.org>; thierry.br...@gmail.com
Cc : qemu-devel@nongnu.org Developers <qemu-devel@nongnu.org>; linux-parisc 
Objet : Re: Virtualizing HP PA-RISC unix station other than B160L


Hi Thierry,


On 9/5/21 3:24 PM, Richard Henderson wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Sep 2021, 10:30 , < 
> <mailto:thierry.br...@gmail.com%20%3cmailto:thierry.br...@gmail.com> 
> thierry.br...@gmail.com <mailto:thierry.br...@gmail.com>> wrote:

> For my company (Nexter Systems, France), I am using qemu-system-hppa 

> for virtualizing HP PA-RISC workstations. That works well. You have 

> made a very good job !




> But my machines are other than B160L (for example B180L), and I have 

> to completely reinstall HP-UX on each emulated machine.

> If I do an iso system disk image of my B180L, this iso isn't bootable 

> on qemu-system-hppa.


> Thus, my questions are :


> * Is it planned to emulate other HP unix workstations than B160L (for 

> example B180L) ?


Maybe at some point a 64-bit capable system, e.g. C3000, and maybe an older 
32-bit system, e.g. 715/64.

For the 64bit system additions to the emulated firmware and additional 64-bit 
qemu support is necessary, and for the 715/64 we need an additional NCR710 SCSI 

Both are lots of work.


The B180L is exactly the same as the B160L, with just a faster CPU:



> * Or, what changes should I make to my iso image to do it usable ? If 

> I replace the /boot /stand filesystem of the B180L image with the B160L one, 

> I get a kernel panic at boot time.


I don't know HP-UX so well. I could imagine that your physical machines have 
different SCSI controller cards which are used by HP-UX, and which aren't 
emulated in qemu yet. That's maybe why qemu can't boot your already installed 

If you post the output I maybe can give more info.


> Helge is the one that did all the hw support, I just did the CPU.

> There are no real plans to do another machine. I'm not familiar with 

> the specs between the HP machines to know how much work that would be.


There is a very good overview of the various HP machines at openPA:

 <https://www.openpa.net/systems/> https://www.openpa.net/systems/



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