Hi Thierry,

On 9/5/21 3:24 PM, Richard Henderson wrote:
On Sun, 5 Sep 2021, 10:30 , <thierry.br...@gmail.com 
<mailto:thierry.br...@gmail.com>> wrote:
For my company (Nexter Systems, France), I am using qemu-system-hppa
for virtualizing HP PA-RISC workstations. That works well. You have
made a very good job !


But my machines are other than B160L (for example B180L), and I have
to completely reinstall HP-UX on each emulated machine.
If I do an iso system disk image of my B180L, this iso isn't bootable
on qemu-system-hppa.

Thus, my questions are :

* Is it planned to emulate other HP unix workstations than B160L (for
example B180L) ?

Maybe at some point a 64-bit capable system, e.g. C3000, and maybe
an older 32-bit system, e.g. 715/64.
For the 64bit system additions to the emulated firmware and additional
64-bit qemu support is necessary,
and for the 715/64 we need an additional NCR710 SCSI driver.
Both are lots of work.

The B180L is exactly the same as the B160L, with just a faster CPU:

* Or, what changes should I make to my iso image to do it usable ? If
I replace the /boot filesystem of the B180L image with the B160L one,
I get a kernel panic at boot time.

I don't know HP-UX so well. I could imagine that your physical machines
have different SCSI controller cards which are used by HP-UX, and which
aren't emulated in qemu yet. That's maybe why qemu can't boot your already
installed images.
If you post the output I maybe can give more info.

Helge is the one that did all the hw support, I just did the CPU.
There are no real plans to do another machine. I'm not familiar with
the specs between the HP machines to know how much work that would

There is a very good overview of the various HP machines at openPA:


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