>> I don't think we should initialize all 5 UARTs of SoC and let the user 
>> define 
>> all the expected devices on the command. Unless we want to do something like
>> 'macs_mask' ? but at the SoC level. It might be overkill for the need.
> I'm not sure I'm following what you are suggesting. If we are talking
> about QEMU device initialization, QEMU must initialize all devices
> on the board, regardless the guest code uses them or not.

The console is UART5 by default for all Aspeed boards and the SoC model 
choose not to initialize UARTs [1-4] to simplify the command line and
avoid : 

  -serial null -serial null -serial null -serial null -serial stdio

This new fuji board uses a firmware which enables UART1 for the console. 
So we have to change which UART is initialized. The simplest way is 
to tell the SoC through a property and change appropriately :

    serial_mm_init(get_system_memory(), sc->memmap[ASPEED_DEV_UART5], 2,
                   aspeed_soc_get_irq(s, ASPEED_DEV_UART5), 38400,
                   serial_hd(0), DEVICE_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

The above is doing the shortcut : serial0 <-> UART5.



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